People working on laptops

Manage a growingrecipe collection

An important part of streamlining your food ordering process is having a collection of recipes from which you can make orders.

A better way to send money.

Go-To Source

Maintaining a recipe collection in ClassCart means you have a go to source for all of your school's recipes in one convenient place.

Rich Data

Useful information about recipes is retained, such as tags, when a recipe was created or last updated, by whom it was made, and when it was last ordered.

Shareable, Printable Recipe Pages

With shareable and printable recipe pages, you can share recipes with students and external parties without requiring them to have a ClassCart account.

Add to Your Collection

There are many ways to add recipes to your collection in ClassCart. You can always add your own offline recipes, but if you need inspiration, you can discover recipes shared by other teachers, or fetch recipes from the web.

Upload Files

If you have a collection of recipes as files, you can upload them to ClassCart and they will be automatically converted into recipes.

Share & Discover

Need some inspiration? You can discover recipes shared by teachers from other schools, or give back and share some recipes from your collection.

Source from the Web

With ClassCart, the internet is your recipe book. If you find a recipe you like online, adding it to your collection is as simple as copying the link.

Seamless Integrations

Recipes are integrated throughout ClassCart to add more information and functionality to features such as ordering, shopping summaries, and class scheduling.


Recipes integrate seamlessly with orders so that you can see at a glance which recipe was ordered when, and with how many servings.

Shopping List

Not only do you get a collated shopping list of all ordered ingredients, but you can also see from which recipes the ingredients were ordered.

Class Schedule

As part of setting up your class schedule in ClassCart, you can set lesson recipes. This makes it possible to, among other things, one-click order for a whole week.
Recipe Orders

Get Started withClassCart.

Start with a commitment free 10 week trial. A member of our team will set up your school's account and help you upload recipes at no extra cost.

10 week trial. No credit card required. Or request a demo
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